Friday, February 27, 2015


I will find my way, I can go the distance...I'll be there someday - If I can be strong. I know every mile will be worth my while, I would go most anywhere to feel like I belong heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon I am on my way - I can go the distance! I don't care how far - Somehow I'll be strong. I know every mile will be worth my while I would go most anywhere to find where I belong. Thank you Jesus! 

i miss ya'll guys! 
have you ever felt once at least once in your life that you wanted so much things to be done, goals to be achieved, and thoughts to be put into action yet you find yourself stucked and idle???...and that you are trying hard each day to make the next day better and convince yourself that 'tomorrow is another day' yet when the sun rises to your face all you can say is..."TOMMOROW IS ANOTHER DAY! Again!!! And you spend the rest of the day trying to figure out how you will brave for the next day...only to find out that its almost the end of the month and again...convincing yourself...I'LL START 1ST OF THE MONTH!!!  Well, that's so me right now! Its February 27 :)

Not that something is wrong...
Not that i am struggling about something...

I am a nurse, yet, I actually dunno what exactly that is called in Psychiatry - but in secular term, I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT ITS CALLED - LAZINESS!  And honestly?  I don't feel good about being stagnant! Waking up late midday working or not working and ending a day with nothing to show.  I am depressed of something i dunno about.  I am thinking of a lot of things i want for the future and i exactly know what to do - but i don't have the energy to stand up everyday to do the first step.  Ironically at 4:25AM in the morning i am up and braving this up! Its two things. I am ending my struggle of being stagnant right this very minute by (re) starting this blog again (coz obviously this is my first blog for 2015) - but it also means I will be knocked out almost whole day today in my bed). hmmm!

Last Sunday, as we were trying to hurry for church and as the last person getting out of the house and turning off the TV, i was able to catch a few of Joel Olsten sermon live on TV.  I dont know about the guy...but yes i heard his name from a lot of people.  And i believe that the Lord even for the 1 or maybe 2 minutes i was trying to turn off every appliances before heading out to church, he appointed that time for me to be able to hear the exact words i needed to hear.

"If you want your life changed, GET UP AND WALK"!  Just like the paralyzed man that Jesus healed when he went to Capernaum,  Jesus told the paralyzed man, GET UP.  With no more questions, NO MORE EXCUSES, he got up, rolled his mat and walk away without looking back! 


Sometimes, we want a lot of things to happen to us.  We know how to get there.  Yet we have so much excuses.  We have so much baggage to carry and reasons why we cant (yet) do it.  Unforgiveness is one.  We have a tendency to pamper ourselves and treat ourselves as victims of the circumstance that makes us think we are crippled to do the things we should do.  We tend to hang on to out pasts that has nothing to do with our present situation yet it makes us anxious to try again.  

I am guilty of now I am standing up, roll my mat and brave up! 

PS...i need prayers! 
<3 <3 <3