Sunday, August 31, 2014


Hello everyone!  Apparently, this is my first blog.  Been a newsletter writer, had a career/hobby blogging in the past and now, I AM BACK with this new blog page.  I thought about going back to my old blog and just go ahead continue blogging in there but I was like, "Oh forget it - lemme start a new one!" winks*** ;) Man where have I been? Hahaha J  I feel right now I came from a very very long journey.  Thinking about it, YES I BEEN gone in the world of writing for so long! As I go on board with this new blog, I am keeping my fingers crossed that my past readers and followers back in time will find this blog more exciting!   When I opened my old blog today, my last post was dated November 17, 2008 at 10:27AM.  And reading through, I can’t help but smile and say “Well Done Joy”.  I have gone too far.  The journey from the past to now were not easy, but looking back, I can say, I grew up a lot in most aspects – and yes, my weight as well! J Between that year and now, I became a mommy of 2 girls, migrated here in the USA from Philippines and most of all – it took me this long to claim again – that I am a blogger LOST AND FOUND!

And I am excited to share my stories and my daily walks, though this will be a lot different from my old blog as in that old one I was always talking about matters of the heart! And please don’t dare ask me how to get to my old blog! Please!!! I don’t need readers there, I need you here guys!  ^_^ I will not leave you behind, so when I say I will be levelling up – you are coming with me. J J J

Why “The Cookie Jar Tales?” Discover it!

Join me in this blog as we discover, learn and share our thoughts about everything under the sun! I am very optimistic to start anew, share my life, tell my stories, mentor and intermingle with just anyone! With this FIRST entry, I sure hope you too will be my inspiration.