Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Hello again everyone!  I wanna thank ya'll for the unceasing LIKES, SHARES and sweet messages on my inbox and I may not be able to respond to everyone, I'd like ya'll to know how grateful I am that my blog entry I am DUTERTARD  reached to so many people and still counting every day!  

I am overwhelmed above and beyond!  I took a screenshot of it and this is just from one certain group.  Thank you Duterte2016, Duterte, Duterte International Movement and OFW groups!   I saw different groups sharing it on their pages! I wish and hope this blog entry will reach the same number of audience and more!  Salamat!  

I hankered to give a reply to some of the more intelligent and more bizarre comments I came across for weeks but I held on to my horses first and wanted to reply when my emotions are at bay in fairness to the negative comments.  Some of them are funny and some of them are from a more intelligent point of view.  I am unable to reply to them all, but here are a few.   

Out of 48 countries in Asia, Philippines is the 14th poorest country in Asia.  Time to wake up dude!  We are already there - there in that 'PAGHIHIRAP' you are talking about!  Aren't we?   25% of the Philippines population already falls below the poverty line, or correct me if I am wrong, the data could be more than that!  Do the research - even if you don’t do that inquiry, just open your eyes really wide!  Do you really live a privileged life that maybe you don't come in contact with poor people living in the shantytowns? Corruption has fueled the poverty in the Philippines - for decades!!!  Seen how the Philippines is one of the most ecologically rich country in Asia? YET WE ARE ONE OF THE POOREST! 

Let's base this off of facts and not FEELINGS!  Let’s address your first comment on when did God condoned killing.  Leviticus 24:17 “anyone who takes the life of a human is to be put to death.”, so thieves, drug dealers and murderers are killing people.  And good thoughts and hopeful wishing isn’t stopping them.  Now, for your second comment, he is not good for the economy – do you know how much tax money go everyday towards the corruption and criminals that have not been dealt with?  So by your own reasoning, you are a Duterte supporter! Thank you for coming over to my side!  Yes, Davao City can be a very small part of the Philippines, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE BEST PART OF THE PHILIPPINES.  You know Davao is the only advanced city in the whole archipelago?  Let’s call 911!

I am shooting you back that question.  If you really are a true friend, why bash your friend if he likes Duterte?  Isn't that's a big face-off of your being ill-mannered?  I dunno what’s your standard for a friend but I want a friend who respects my opinion and value my opinion even if they don't agree with me - otherwise, I would have a sufficient reason to dispatch a discourteous person out of my coordination.  That's how I give myself importance because I have self-respect and I would never settle for anything less.  I deserve a good friend.  Do you rate yourself this way for you to get yourself jammed with a person that is disrespectful to you? From your comments, I can only determine that your friends disrespect your opinion all the time and you become accustomed to that!  I feel sorry for you because it makes me have an impression that you have no real friends because you tolerate your friends to bash you because of your opinion.  Now my question is, did you really understand the whole article?  And is my argument one sided?  YES!  Because I support Duterte!  And I stand behind that!  I am not here to defend all the candidates, let them support their own and you support your own in a very intellectual way!  Please feel free to re-read my previous post so you better understand it.  

Okay, addressing your comment...

1.  1:25 ratio, innocent to guilty?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  10,000 INNOCENT contrasted with 250,000 GUILTY???  How many innocent people are killed every day by criminals VERSUS criminals killed in Davao?  Please do some MATH on that!  And you seem so worried for the criminals…that make me worry right now.    

2.  MASS MURDER.  Mass murder usually comes around with no rhyme and no reason to whom that harm is being bombarded.  Davao’s governance only targets are criminals; it wouldn't be considered a MASS MURDER like what you are envisioning. Mass Murder happens and disaster plans are mostly activated when this happens.  I am just defining that incase… otherwise…you don’t know!  I am just trying to help!  Peace Yo!

3.  I have a question too that I hope you can answer.  CAN YOU STANDBY AND WATCH THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE BEING KILLED EVERYDAY BY THESE CRIMINALS YOU LOVED SO MUCH?  Don't the innocent deserve a chance to live their life in peace?  God does say VENGEANCE IS MINE, but you seem to confuse vengeance with justice.  Duterte deals with justice.  And unfortunately, most people literally think that Mayor Duterte literally puts the killings in his hands.  THINK PLEASE.  Davao City Police gets orders for arrests and in circumstances of resistance, that's when they pull whatever it is to be pulled!  Get it?  It is the same way everywhere in the country right?  But Davao isn't the type of city that most places in the Philippines are like!  DEFINITELY NOT CORRUPT.  Criminals aren't being taken advantage either.   No Padrino style of governance! The families of the criminals aren't given a chance to make 'PADULAS', or to call their Ninong who is a Mayor, or Uncle who is a Congressman or Lolo who is a Kagawad!   If you need to go to jail - YOU GO TO JAIL.  IT’S NON-NEGOTIABLE.  If you repel arrest and you retaliate with the authority, then you can repose in peace.  And this is why they will gladly take that chance to rather die because they cannot buy their way out of jail in Davao.  So they rather be taken dead rather than alive.  

Thank you for your reply.  I value your opinion about Miriam Defensor Santiago.  And true, she very well might have the uprightness and brainpower, but the criminals and the criminal facet and the bribery that has swamped our society in the Philippines isn't going to stop just because of MDS integrity and intelligence.  The fact that you did not find any substance in my article is no consequence to me.  I tried to make it as easy to understand but still some people fail to grasp the concept.  But let me put some fact out here that nobody can deny...INTEGRITY AND INTELLEGENCE HAVE NEVER STOPPED THE CRIMINALS - IT IS ONLY THE FEAR OF PUNISHMENT. 

So my last advice to you Sir Lourd is to try to walk down the streets of Manila with Miriams INTEGRITY & INTELLEGENCE.  

So, since you wanna quote the bible, where was David's due process when he killed Goliath?  So, by your perceptive reasoning,  David should have took Goliath in for due process to the courts.    I quote what you said, "NPA's, terrorists and bigtime druglords and syndicate abound in the area but the "GOOD mayor" (you say good??? okay!) has not killed any of them."  This cracks me up but THANK YOU FOR THIS "good" INFORMATION.  Those drug lords operates outside his governing location for a good reason coz if they did, they would be in demise.  People are being murdered, kids being kidnapped, women are raped, corruption is out of control, if this continues, Philippines will be a bloody mess STILL.  So, the Philippines is STILL going to be a bloody mess REGARDLESS!  So the question is only these.  

1.  Do you want it to be a bloody mess for things to get better? Like it would with Duterte?

2.  Or do you want it to be a bloody mess and continue in the road of corruption and get worse?  

Thank you for your comment but I have had so much people from all walks of life, even people that claims they have no education who agreed, understood and supported my article and they had no problem understanding it...but I will try to make my next article shorter and easy to understand (just for you) if that's the case.  I am sorry it’s hard for you comprehending it.   With your biblical issues, in Matthew 5:17,  Jesus addressed the Old Testament like this "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to FULFILL them. In short, The Old Testament still stands as it is! That was in direct reference of the Rabbi's questioning the law of the Old Testament to Jesus! Nothing was corrected.  New Testament is the continuation.  Well, with your concern that what I should reconcile are the provisions and the Philippine Constitutions versus the legality of Duterte’s governance in Davao, let facts be facts, most of the politicians in the Philippines do not like Duterte.  Don't you think if they have some evidence of him doing something illegal, they would have arrested him by now?  So, I think, you're so concerned about Duterte's supposed illegal activity and want me to address it when the politicians you support have yet to charge him with any crime but you already call him a criminal.

Lastly, please make up your mind because your comment is both in English and Filipino.  Do you want English or you want all these in Filipino? And my apology for not addressing your comment "give to Caesar what is of Caesar and give unto God whatever belongs to God" because I actually cannot grip what you are trying to aim at.  

Oh!  Thank you grammar nuts!  When you can't win an argument, it results to porning at GRAMMAR!  Is "porning" isn't the dictionary too?  Please find out for me! 

I should use this rule soon!  hmmmm!

So, i gotta go DUTERTE Nation & Duterte Haters 


But wait...I wanna feature strongheaded DUTERTARDS!!!

Proud of you Dr. Bryan!!!

No no!!!  No crying allowed! Just kidding! Thank you for the big heart you have for Philippines!!!  Yes, Stay positive and TIWALA LANG!!! 

Rise Up Philippines!
Lorena Joy Berja - Monk

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