Sunday, September 7, 2014



I am supposed to blog about ‘something else’ this time but it came to my mind…this one first!  After all, the blessing I am receiving from God for all the years of my life, have never been procrastinated - there may have been some attitude of being impatient in my part, but they always come in perfect time.  The other blog which is currently archived in my drafts folder is supposed to be the entry I am going to post today. 

I was apprehensive when I got tagged in facebook by my ‘lola’ – THOUGHT IT WAS AN ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE!!! Hahaha! I was already preparing to head for bed and was drunk drowsy when my phone gave a very loud alert (blame my toddlers!) and the only word that registered in my sleep head was “challenge”! I was like, ‘Oh my! Not me Lola Jhoana, not me’ – before I have to have nightmares before even getting sleep, I sat up and curiously read ‘my challenge’ – 5 Days Praise Report Challenge.  I may not be blogging about my Day 2 PRC and so on but I want to take the challenge from my sissee in Christ Ptr. Jhoana Uy to publicly declare my gratefulness to my ever good and faithful Father in Heaven!

Day 1

1.       This is not the first time I am being thankful of this because everyday of my life, I can’t get over being grateful that God brought me where I am right now – here in the USA.  Life here isn’t perfect.   There are glitches and hitches here and there every now and then…but that only reminds me that the God of this universe who may be invisible to the eye, can be visible in the way I live my life and His goodness can be seen with the people that is around me – my husband and my 2 girls Ava Louise and Avery Laverne.

2.       If God’s love can be measured through the friends that I have already in my life, then I am so loved!  I praise and thank God for giving me friends who were like my sisters from another mother.  We don’t talk very often, but in spite the thousands of miles between us and the gap in years to have a chance to reunite and catch up, I still feel their love and it is something that is really hard to explain right now.  But there is only one concrete definition that is constant with my friendship with them – it is that we are bonded by the love of Jesus J.  ***sigh*** I miss them!    

3.       I praise God for the random people that he brings into my life this year who are no longer just “random” people now.  They are the people that hold a special place in my heart so much like the ones I already have in many years.  The best thing ever that ever happened to me coming home to Philippines last year was meeting  Dr. Wilma Heramil – si Dok Mokai and Toto Irvin .  Yes, we randomly meet people in our daily walks, but it is a lot different when God presents you with something you never worked for…yet He brought you a special person in a very random circumstances and you don’t need years or to know the biographic information about the person…you just simply know that they are “A GOOD HEART”.  And I always pray every day that   He will enable me to do something BIG for this people.  It is my heart’s desire that I can do something great for them in my lifetime – because during my lowest point, they gave me their all yet I WAS JUST A RANDOM PERSON!

Need I say more? That’s my Big Day 1 of Praise Challenge!
I dedicate this music video to all my friends all over the globe! 

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