Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Filipina Out and About in PANDA EXPRESS!!!

Laziness ladeeeeddeeeee laddeeeedddaaa J  my hands were full and still are full.  ***sigh***  But I love this very occupied life that I have right now rather than being not being ingenious.   I would rather be busy than to be bored.  I have a new job that I really love to begin with…it is very rewarding and yes, I get tired and busy but at the end of the day, what matters most is that I was able to give a little piece of my life to my patients.  

Pate Rehabilitation Center specializes with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury (from strokes, head injuries related to vehicular accidents and something like accidents that led them to lose their speech,  mobility and ability to reason  and it is my daily prayer and goal that my patients can all go back to their independent life after the therapy.  I am so much in a good place and I thank God for this blessing.  If only I am a teenager trying to figure out what would I be when I grow up, I would decide to be a Physical Therapist in a heartbeat! <3 And now, I am looking into the area of Rehabilitation Nursing! It is very rewarding to see your teenage patient would walk for the first time after their accidents from 16months ago! And it also makes you teary eye when a high school football varsity would finally look at me in the eye and track the direction of my hand when I say look to the right or look to the left after the motorcycle accident that made him paralyzed for 3months now.  The best things in life aren’t things…

If you have lovedones needing physical therapy, visit the webpage Pate Rehab, Pateway, Anna, TX

 Life has been in so much frazzle for the last 4 weeks.   It was indeed an Enormous Change. And yeah, though the busy-city-life we are into right now is making us bushed up at the end of our shifts, we still find time to find comfort.  In foods!!! There is no way I can cook since most of the kitchen stuff are still yet to be packed this next Monday when we are off.  So when I want to be Asian…or let’s put it this way…when you want to be very Filipino and cant find a way to cook yet because you are so busy working here in Texas?!

 COMFORT FOOD?!! Try this…

fried rice or rice noodles (pansit canton) with 2 sides $7.99
Shaylin's favorite:  crispy fried beef & beef on mushroom + fried rice
Joy's order (not my favorite coz everytime i come visit Panda Express my order varies. lol
                               orange chicken + sauteed vegetables + rice
                               PLUS EXTRA RICE FOR AVA & AVERY

and ohhh!!!  our usual drink when its Panda Express! 
One for all...All for One - FAMILY SIZE! 

and we ordered total of...

OOPppssss i'm not done yet! PANDA EXPRESS experience isn't (in my own opinion) if u wont grab their FREE TERIYAKI sauce.
and Shaylin doesn't really care for my teriyaki sauce. this is what he wants!
and if you decide to take it home for appetizers in your table :) they sell it in a bottle! 
and if u wanna be discounted for an extra siders on the menu next time u come, answer this suvery online!
i just did mine! *** winks***  ^_^
and ohhh!!! the fortune cookies!!!
We have 4 but we actually only opened 3.  Avery's fortune cookie is somewhere in on of my purses! LOL (no reason why...but just lazy to open it...but here is our fortune cookies' content.

 here is mine...

here is our happy driver!

Now i feel like i want to go to Panda Express and use my FREE Entree!  hmmm...Bye ya'll!!!  Its DINNER!!!!

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